Lectures & Seminars

physical carcinogens


“Intersezioni Femministe: Islam, Genere e Orientamenti Sessuali” [Feminist Intersections: Islam, Gender and Sexual Orientations] (con Renata Pepicelli, Anna Vanzan, Alberto Ventura) Seminario Dottorale, Dipartimento Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università della Calabria, 9-11 maggio 2014.

“Guerriglia Semiotica e Sovversioni Queer: la decostruzione dell’eteronorma in pubblicità” [Semiotic Guerrilla and Queer Subversions: Deconstructing Heteronormativity in Commercials] Progetto Primavera Queer, Università d’Annunzio, Chieti, 7 maggio 2014.

“How Intersectional and Indigenous Feminist Theory can be Useful for Decolonizing Sociolgy,
Workshop on Reviewing Sociological Theories from Women’s Perspective sponsored by Samruddhi Foundation, International Sociological Association (Research Committee 10), Gender Studies in the Indian Sociological Society, University of Mysore, December 26th, 2013

“Pregiudizi, discriminazioni e solidarietà nei confronti dei/delle Rom”, [Prejudice, Discrimination and Solidarity towards Roma people] Seminario aperto al pubblico, Aula Caldora, Università della Calabria, 7 novembre 2012.

“Prospettive di genere su violenza simbolica e stereotipi mediatici” [Gender Perspectives on Symbolic Violence and Media Stereotyping], Progetto S.E.R.A. Servizi Essenziali per una Rete Antiviolenza nel Lametino [Project for Anti-violence Network], Lamezia Terme, May 25-26, 2012.

“Sociologia del corpo femminile nella pubblicità” [Sociology of Women’s Body in Commercials], Istituto Romanazzi, Bari, March 8, 2012.

“Giù le mani dal nostro corpo. I gruppi di giovani donne contro le pubblicità offensive” [Hands Off Our Body: Young Women’s Groups Against Offensive Commercials], Università degli studi di Bari “Aldo Moro”, March 8, 2012.

“Young feminist reaction to sexist, racist and violent commercials in the West”, University of Calcutta, October 29, 2011.

“The political sociology of women’s body in western commercials”, University of Calcutta, October 28, 2011.

“Feminist Semiotics. Per una sociologia politica del culo femminile nelle pubblicità italiane”, Summer School Befree, Università Roma3, Velletri, August 28 – September 4, 2011.

“Global Health & Environment”, Summer School Global Health & Migration, Università di Bologna, July 11-23, 2011.

“Per una sociologia politica del corpo femminile  nelle pubblicità” [For a Political Sociology of Women’s Body in Commercials], Università di Milano, Abcd-Bicocca, June 21, 2011.

“Per una sociologia politica del corpo femminile” [For a Political Sociology of Women’s Body], Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università di Venezia, Cà Foscari, May 23, 2011.

“Gender Perspectives on Media, Communication Technologies, and Urban Spaces” Jawaharlal Nehru University, International Women’s Day, New Delhi, March 8, 2011.

“Health, Environment and Gender Intersections”, Center for the Study of Regional Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, March 7, 2011.

“Health, Environment and Gender Intersections”; Sociology Department, University of Calcutta, India, February 2011.

“The Improper Use of Women’s Body in Commercials. A Research Action” International Center, Environmental Studies, Center for Women’s Studies, University of Mysore, India, January 2011.

“Globalization and Women’s Movements; A Gender Perspecitvie on Migration; The Intersection between Racism and Sexism and Feminist Methodology of Participatory Research-Action”, Seminars, Institut fur Soziologie, Freien Universitat, Berlin,  April 8-14,  2010.

“Methodology of Action Research on Women and Reproductive Health”, Faculty of Nursing Science, Medical School, Shahid Beheshti University, Theran, Islamic Republic of Iran, April-May 2009.

“Women, Health and Environment”, Seminar and Workshops, Bija Vidyapeeth International Center for Learning, Research Foundation for Science Technology and Ecology, Dehradun, India, April-May 2008.

“Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse on Minors” Seminar, International Master “Social Welfare for Families”, Università di Parma, September 10-12, 2007.

Key note speaker in International Meeting “Hiv-Aids, Realtà globale e prospettive di prevenzione”, [Hiv-Aids, Global Situation and Prevention Perspectives] Aula Magna, Università della Calabria, June 21, 2007.

“Lavoro domestico e manutenzione del corpo malato” [Domestic Work and the Sick Body Mantenance], Italian Association of Sociology Thematic Seminar on, “Produrre cura e salute in ambito domestico” [Caring and Health in Domestic Settings], Ancona Politecnico, May 2007.

“I fondamenti sociali della salute e della malattia: le variabili di genere, classe, etnia, cultura, religione, orientamento sessuale, collocazione geografica” [Social Foundations of Health and Illness. Variables of Class, Gender, Ethnicity, Culture, Religion, Sexual Orientation and Geography], Doctorial Seminar, Ph.D. School in “Epidemiology and Social Inequities in Health”, Ancona Politecnico, May 2007.

“Capitalism and Patriarchy”, Seminar with Maria Mies, Master on Immigration, Università di Venezia, Cà Foscari, 2006/2007

“Per i diritti umani in Palestina: terra, lavoro, libertà. Parlano i docenti israeliani del movimento per la pace” [For Human Rights in Palestin: Land, Work and Dignity. Israeli Faculties Active for Peace Speak up], Iter-disciplinary Seminar, Political Science, Università della Calabria, 2006/2007.

“Sociologia delle sessualità” [Sociology of Sexualities], Master in “Welfare State e Cittadinanza: gay, lesbiche, bisex, trans (GLBT)” [Welfare State and Citizenship for Gay, Lesbian, Bisex and Trans], Università di Bologna, 2006/2007.

“Le donne nelle organizzazioni sanitarie e le associazioni di donne per la salute” [Women in Health Care Organizations and Associations of Women for Health], Seminar Master “Gender and Organization”, Sociology, Università di Trento, 2005/2006.

“Health and Poverty”, Graduate Seminar, Howard University, Washington DC, 2005/2006.

“Lavoro per il mercato e mercato di cura” [Care Work between Home and Market], Conference sponsored by Ministry of Equal Opportunities and Università della Calabria, 2005/2006.

“Vita Quotidiana e Diritti nei Campi Profughi Palestinesi del Libano” [Everyday Life and Rights in Refugees Camps, Lebanon], Iter-disciplinary Seminar, Political Science, Università della Calabria – Krotone, 2004/2005.

“Lavoro di cura e lavoro per sé” [Caring for Others, Caring for Oneself], Conference sponsored by Ministry of Equal Opportunities and Università della Calabria, 2004/2005.

“Genere e migrazioni: le migranti in Italia” [Gender and Migrations], “Migranti e salute in prospettiva globale” [Migrants and Health in a Global Perspective] Seminars in the Master on Immigration, Università di Venezia, Cà Foscari, 2001/2002.

“La sociologia dell’economia e il turismo” [Sociology of Economy Tourism], “Sociologia del lavoro al Sud” [Sociology of Work in the South], “La sociologia della comunicazione verbale e non verbale” [Sociology of Verbal and Non-verbal Comunication] Seminars in the Master on Tourism Management, Calabria, 2000/2001.

“Il lavoro di assistenza sociale e prima accoglienza in un campo profughi di guerra nella Sicilia sud-orientale” [Social Work in a Refugees Camp in South-east Sicily], Seminar, Sociology of Work, Prof. Ferruccio Gambino, Università di Padova, 1999/2000.

“La Sociologia del tempo” [The Sociology of Time], Seminar, General Sociology, Dr.Donatella Barazzetti, Università della Calabria, 1997/1998.

“La Sociologia della famiglia nelle teorie dei classici Europei” [Sociology of the Family in the European Classic Theory] Seminar, General Sociology, Prof. Enzo Pace, Università della Calabria, 1996/1997.

“I movimenti anti-sistemici nei paesi in via di sotto-sviluppo. La leadership delle donne indigene nel Chiapas messicano” [Anti-Systemic Social Movements in Under- Developing Countries and the Indigenous Women Leadership in Chiapas, Mexico], Seminar, Sociology of the Development, Dr. Mariola Mandolini, Università della Calabria,  1996/1997.

“Leadership Training” & “Conflict Resolution”, Interactive seminars, Cowell Health Center, University of California Santa Cruz, 1995/1996.

“Genetics Versus Environment: Conflicting Discourses in Cancer Etiology”, Seminar Sociology of Health and Medicine, Guest Dr. Libby Wheatley, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1994/1995.

“Preparation for International Studies” Seminar, Merril College Field Program, Guest Dr. Nick Royal, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992/1993.

“Women in the Workforce in Italy” Seminar, Cowell College, Dr. Peggy Kidney, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1992/1993.

“Cross Cultural Teaching and Training”, Seminar, Merril College Field Program, Guest Dr. Nick Royal, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991/1992.

“The Debate On Bisexual Identities and Behaviors” Seminar, Gay and Lesbian Studies, Guest Dr. Wayne Mellinger, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991/1992.

“I servizi di prevenzione ed igiene sul lavoro in Italia. Una ricerca sugli Spisal” [Prevention and Safety in the Italian Workplace. A Qualitative Research on Public \Services] Seminar, Sociology of Work, Prof. Ferruccio Gambino, Università di Padova, 1990/1991.

“Percezione del tempo di vita e di lavoro, e salute psico-fisica delle operaie turniste” [Perception of Time, Everyday Life and Psycho-physical Health Among Women Shift-workers] Seminar, Sociology of Work, Prof. Ferruccio Gambino, Università di Padova, 1988/1989.


“Feminist Semiotics Against Sex and Violence in Commercials”, Joint Research Seminar: Media, Film and Television, European Languages and Literatures, The University of Auckland, Te Wānanga Tura Tāngata, Faculty of Arts, March 19th 2015.

“(Hetero)Sexism and Racism in European Commercials”, Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, March 23rd 2015. http://www.victoria.ac.nz/fhss/about/events/seminar-heterosexism-and-racism-in-european-commercials

“Il silenzio della terra. Decolonizzare la sociologia a partire dai luoghi” Borderscapes, Centro Studi Postcoloniali e di Genere, Università L’Orientale, Napoli, 12 November 2015.

“Corpo e ambiente”, in Students’ Conference Tutela della salute ambientale e della sicurezza alimentare, Aula Magna Liceo Scientifico-ITE “Guarasci”, Osservatorio Nazionale Amianto, Rogliano (Cs), 13 febbraio 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5kZqwAxMX0

“Il rapporto tra salute e ambiente”, in Conferenza La gestione dei rifiuti nel rispetto dell’ambiente, Aula Magna IPSIA “Marconi”, Osservatorio Nazionale Amianto, Cosenza, 23 febbraio 2016

“Amianto: rischi per la salute, prevenzione e ruolo delle istituzioni” Aula Magna IPSIA, Osservatorio Nazionale Amianto, 26  febbraio, 2016, Montalto Uffugo (Cs)

“Profili del desiderio e politiche della bisessualità”, Seminari Queer, Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca Queer (Cirque), Università di Pisa, 18 maggio 2016.

“Il femminismo in Kurdistan. Dalle milizie contro il Califfato alla Costituzione di Genere nella Federazione Rojava”, Seminar with Ozelem Tanrikulu (Uiki), Dipartimento Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università della Calabria, 4 maggio 2016.

“Classe, Razza, Genere e l’accumulazione delle differenze” seminar with Anna Curcio, Dipartimento Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università della Calabria, 11 maggio 2016.

Chair, “Gender, Law, and the Courts: Local and Global Struggles Against Violence” The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, 3rd International Association of Sociology Forum, Vienna, July 10-14.

Co-Chair, “Human Trafficking: The Labour and Sexual Exploitation of Women and Children”, International Association of Sociology, The Futures We Want: Global Sociology and the Struggles for a Better World, 3rd International Association of Sociology Forum, Vienna, July 10-14.

“Problemi di salute nella gravidanza per altri” with Francesca Izzo and Antonella Crescenzi,  La maternità surrogata: quali idee di dignità e di libertà sono in gioco, Festival del Diritto, Piacenza, 23-25 september 2016.

(with Valerio Gennaro and Giovanni Ghirga), “In Italia persiste la riduzione della Speranza di Vita SANA (HLE), evidenze ed omissioni (periodo 2004-2011)” [A persistent reduction of Healthy life Expectancy (HLE) in Italy], Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia, Conferenza del Network ERA-ENVHEALTH, Roma, 2-3 dicembre 2013.
Special lecture “Western Commercial’s Control Over Collective Immagination: Improper Representations of Sex & Gender and Neocolonial Attitudes. The Strategy of Monitoring Agencies to Promote Cultural Change and Pride”, International Conference and Graduate Colloquium on Social Science Research, Issues, Challenges and Strategies, Institute of Public Enterprise, IPE, University of Hyderabad, January 11-13, 2013.

“The Role of Women in a De-centralized Participative Democracy”, International Conference Democratic Decentralisation and People’s Participation, Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Kila Campus, 20-23 December 2012.

“Race, Class, Gender, Ageism and Hetero-normativity in Western Commercials: Old and new forms of Feminist Semiotic Activism”, 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology Social Justice & Democratization, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 4th, 2012.
(Joint Session Organizer RC32 e RC23) “Gender, Science and Technology: Post-colonial and Feminist perspectives”, 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology Social Justice & Democratization, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2nd, 2012.
“Sex and Violence in Commercials: Freedom of Expression or Symbolic Aggression?”, 2nd ISA Forum of Sociology Social Justice & Democratization, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1st, 2012.
“Poverty as Environment”, conference Social Work and Poverty in Europe and in the United States Arcavacata Campus – University of Calabria May 6-11, 2012.
Valedictory session, International seminar on “Meeting Youth in the 21st Century CANADA and INDIA: Youth work, Young people and Youth policy”, Department of Sociology, University of Calcutta, November 29, 2011.

“The Sexualization of Young Girls’ Bodies in Commercials” Social Relations in Turbulent Times, European Sociological  Association Conference, University of Geneva, September 7-10, 2011.

“Hands Off Our Bodies. Third Wave Feminism and Semiotic Guerrilla Against Offensive Commercials in Europe”,  Social Relations in Turbulent Times, European Sociological Association Conference, University of Geneva, September 7-10, 2011.

“Improper Use of Women’s Bodies in Commercials: A Research Action”, Women’s Worlds Congress, University of Ottawa Gatineau, July 3-7, 2011.

“Images of Women’s Bodies in the Media in India, Iran, Italy”, Women’s Worlds Congress, University of Ottawa Gatineau, July 3-7, 2011.

“On the Encounter between Anarchism and Marxism in a Feminist Perspective” (with Chiara Bottici), Historical Materialism 2011 Conference, The New School for Social Research, New York, May 7, 2011.

“Black, Red, Pink and Green: Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges” The Anarchist Turn Conference,  Philosophy Department, The New School for Social Research, New York, May 5, 2011.

Co-Chair (with Indira Ramarao), “Gender, Education and Reproductive Choices: A Cross Cultural Perspective”) Joint Session RC 23 – RC 41, XXVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 11-17, 2010.

“Il sogno femminile della guarigione e della differenza” [Women’s Dreams of Healing and Difference] e “Cancro, la scuola delle donne, Progetto Amazzone”, [Cancer Women School – Amazon Project] Villa Basile, Palermo, October 9-10, 2009.

“Donne, Prevenzione Globale, Sviluppo Sostenibile”; [Women, Global Prevention, Sustainable Development] e  “Corpo, Tempo, Scienza” [Body, Time and Science] al Convegno “Le dimore del tempo nel mito e nella cellula”,  Progetto Amazzone, Palazzo Steri, Palermo, October 17-22, 2008.

“Le reti di donne per la salute” [Women’s Health Networks], International Meeting AIS – Salute Il futuro dei sistemi sanitari fra governance e cittadinanza attiva [The Future of Health Systems, between Governance and Active Citizenship], Università di Pisa, October 24-25, 2008.

“Io e la mia Dea. Gruppi di spiritualità femminile e militanza Internet” [My Goddess and I. Feminist Spirituality Groups and Internet Activism], National Meeting AIS-PIC Oltre l’individualismo. Rileggere il legame sociale tra nuova cultura e nuovi media Beyond Individualism. Re-reading Social Ties Between New Cultures and New Media], Università Milano Bicocca, October 16-17, 2008.

“Feminist Research Action on Health and Environment”, 1st Isa Forum of Sociology, RC32 Women in society, Barcellona, September 5-8, 2008.

“Privatization and the Worsening of Health Systems. Indicators of Class and SES” 1st Isa Forum of
Sociology, WG03 Social Indicators of Health, Barcellona, September 5-8, 2008.

“Simmel, Tuiav e la salute nell’ambiente metropolitano”[Simmel, Tuiav and Health in the Metropolitan Environment], National Conference Georg Simmel. Sociologia cent’anni dopo [Georg Simmel, Sociology a Hundred Years Later], Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Università di Roma Tre, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia, June 5-7, 2008.

“Diritti umani e politiche pubbliche: come garantire le donne con disabilità”, [Human Rights and Public Policies. How to guarantee women with disabilities] Meeting Disabled People International – Project Lighthouse – Daphne, Donne, disabilità e salute: riflessioni su violenza e tutela dei diritti umani [Women, Disability and Health: Reflecting on Violence and Human Rights] Salerno, December 14-15, 2007.

Introductory Paper “La prevenzione primaria delle malattie sessualmente trasmissibili” [Primary Prevention of Stds], Conference Aids ieri oggi domani no, [Hiv-aids Yesterday, Today – Not Tomorrow], Montalto Uffugo, Cosenza, December 1, 2007.

“Dalla violenza domestica all’omicidio. Una ricerca qualitativa nell’area romana” [From Domestic Violence to Homicide. A Qualitative Research in the Roman Area], Meeting La violenza contro le donne: teorie, ricerca, servizi di aiuto [Violence Against Women: Theories, Research and Services], Lumsa University, Roma, October 18, 2007.

“Le Nuove Amazzoni” [New Amazons], lectures at the Centro Amazzone, Palermo, September 19-20, 2007.

“Sociologia e Globalizzazione”, [Sociology and Globalization], Università di Urbino, September 13, 2007.

“Etica femminista e relazioni di potere fra donne” [Feminist Ethics and Power Relations Among Women] National Conference Genere e potere. Per una rifondazione delle scienze umane [Gender and Power. For the Re-foundation of Human Sciences], Ministry of Equal Opportunities, Università La Sapienza, Roma, May 4-5, 2007.

Chair of the Session “Movimenti per la salute ed associazionismo delle persone malate” [Social Movements for Health and Associations of People with Illness], International Conference on Social Sciences and Health in the XXI Century: New Trends, Old Dilemmas, Università di Bologna in Forlì, April 19-21, 2007.

“Teaching Diversities. The Category of Sexual Preferences in Social Workers’ Educational Training”, International Conference Social Work 2007: Social Change and Social Professions, Università di Parma, March 15-17, 2007.

“I rischi per la salute nelle nuove tecnologie riproduttive: un’arena contesa di significati” [Risks for Health in New Reproductive Technologies: a Contested Arena of Meaning], Italian Association of Sociology Annual Conference Common Sense and Construction of Reality Political Science, Università di Perugia, December 14-15, 2006.

“Le nuove tecnologie e l’oppressione di genere” [New Technologies and Gender Oppression], Università di Urbino, December 8-10, 2006.

“Studiare gli effetti delle disuguaglianze sociali su salute e malattia a livello globale” [How to Globally Study the Effects of Social Ineqlities on Health], International Meeting on Salute e disuguaglianze sociali, [Health and Social Inequities], Italian Association of Health and Medicine, Pescara, November 23-25, 2006.

“Leadership ed empowerment”, presentation at the National Meeting Donne e Politica [Women and Politic] with Ministry of Equal Opportunities, Deputees Chamber, Roma, November 21-22, 2006.

Coordinator of the National Conference “Sociologia e globalizzazione” [Sociology and Globalization], sponsored by Sociologists Without Border and Italian Association of Sociology, Università di Roma Tre, September 26, 2006.

“How Do We Define Reproductive Rights?”, International Sociology Association (RC32) World Conference, University of South Africa (Unisa), Durban, July 27, 2006.

Chair of the Session “Health and Environment”, International Sociology Association (RC15) World Conference, University of South Africa (Unisa), Durban, July 26, 2006.

“The Body of the Goddess. Women and Spiritual Activism”, International Sociology Association, (Joint session RC22-WG03) World Conference, University of South Africa (Unisa), Durban, July 24, 2006.

“Death, Fear and Changing Perception of the Body Among Ethnic Cleansing Survivors” in The Body in the Social Sciences. Memory in Action. The Role of Memories in Social Change International Sociological Association Conference (WG 03), Università La Sapienza, Roma, July 12-14, 2005.

“Class, Race/Ethnicity, Gender in Cancer Etiology and Primary Prevention” at the International Forum for Social Sciences and Health: Health Challenges of the Third Millenium, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, August 21-26, 2005.

“Culture and Nature: Feminism of Color Challanges White Sociological Theory”, Women in Society, (RC 32) International Sociological Association, Montreal, Summer 1998.

“Mediterranean Women’s Identity, Cooperation and Conflict”, International Conference Empowering Arab women through a network of documentation, information centers on women’s rights in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine, Aidos (Italian Association for Women in Development), Cagliari, November 5-6, 1997.

“La prevencion del cancer para las mujeras indigenas”, Conferencia sobre la salud indigena, Instituto de la Mujer Maya, San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, August-September 1996.

“A Research on the Zapatista Insurgence in Chiapas, Mexico”, Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC), University of California Santa Cruz, Cowell College, November 13, 1995.

Chair of the Session “International Sites of Production”, 9th Graduate Student Cultural Studies Conference, Performing Cultural Studies/Scening Cultural Practices, Oaks College, University of California, Santa Cruz, April 21-23, 1995.

“Against Environmental Cancer: Women Survivors, People of Color, and Scientists/Activists”, Southern Sociological Society (SSS) Annual Meeting Sociologists and Social Activism, Atlanta, April 7-9, 1995.

“Italian/Americans and African/Americans: Jungle Fever?”, American Italian Historical Association (AIHA), 27th Annual Conference Through the Looking Glass: Italians and Italian/Americans in the Media, Chicago, November 10-12, 1994.

“Dark Skinned Others and Black Music: From the Drumming of Tammuriata Nera to the Italian Rap”, (AIHA) American Italian Historical Association, 27th Annual Conference Through the Looking Glass: Italians and Italian/Americans in the Media, Chicago, November 10-12, 1994.

“Women, Cancer Activism, and the Environmental Issue”, VIII Women’s Studies Conference Women in the Arts and Sciences, Western Kentucky University, September 23-24, 1994.

“Cuba: AIDS Sanatorium and Gay Condition”, Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting Health Policies and Health Services: International Perspectives Session, August 4-6, 1994.

“Women, Cancer Activism and the Environmental Issue”, Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting Environment and Technology Session, Los Angeles, August 4-6, 1994.

“Controversial Issues in Cancer Causation (Including the Possible Role of Mammography),” Conference, Planned Parenthood Education Centre, Santa Cruz, California, June 1, 1994.

“The Cuban Experience: Voices From the AIDS Sanatorium”, Pacific Sociological Association (PSA) Annual Meeting, San Diego, April 14-17, 1994.

“Sisters of Different Generations. The Italian Women Community in San Francisco” (with Marta Baldocchi), American-Italian Historical Association (AIHA) Annual Conference Italian American in a Multicultural Society, New York, November 11-13, 1993.

“From the Factory-Production Line to the University-Production of Knowledge”, VII Women’s Studies Conference, Western Kentucky University, September 24-26, 1993.

Discussant of the movie “Troubled Harvests”, VII Women’s Studies Conference, Western Kentucky University, September 24-26, 1993

“When Night Becomes Day: Italian Women, Nightshift Work and Oppositional Dreams”, Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting Gender session, Miami, Florida, August 1993.

“The African-Italian Labor Force”, Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Annual Meeting Immigration session, Miami, Florida, August 1993.

“Women, Nightshift Work, and Subjective Resistance to the Colonization of Time”, American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting Round Table Gendered and Cultural Attitudes About Work and Professions, Miami, Florida, August 1993.

“The Sociology of Sexualities”, American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, Gender and Theories of Sexuality Session, Miami, Florida, August 1993.

“Sexually Explicit Personal Ads as Mass Media”, NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Application) Computing for the Social Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 18-21, 1993.

“Seclusion and Integration: on the African Labor Force Migrated in Italy”, IRAS Project International Studies Dept., University of California at Berkeley, May 7, 1993.

“Italian Women and the Third Shift” Women’s Center, University of California, Santa Cruz, May 20, 1993.

“The Bisexual Woman”, American Studies, Inside and Out Conference, University of Minnesota, April 15-17, 1993.

“Women, Nightshift Work, and Health”, Center for Research on Women and Gender, Conference Reframing Women’s Health: Multidisciplinary Research and Practice, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 15-17, 1992.

Chair of the Section “Women and Work”, VI Annual Women’s Studies Conference, Western Kentucky University, September 24-26, 1992.

“When Night Is Day: A New Crossroad Between Class and Gender”, VI Annual Women’s Studies Conference, Western Kentucky University, September 24-26, 1992.

“Stories of Italian Women Between Work and Family. A debate Around Equal Opportunities and Gender Differences,” Women’s Round Table, Italian Educational Centre, San Francisco, May 7, 1992.

“The Political Economy of Sexually Explicit Personal Ads” (with Susanna Goldenstein and Michelle Merril) Pacific Sociological Association Conference, Oakland, California, April 19-21, 1992.

“Elements For A Theory of Bisexuality”, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Conference, Unit for Criticism and Interpretative Theory, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, April 2-4, 1992.

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