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Indymedia UK
“Black Bloc: the Ultimate Logo” The Commoner UK, 2002
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Guide through Network Structures and Knowledge about Key Persons for Policy Activities
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“Feminism of Color Challanges White Sociological Theory and Color-blind Eco-feminism” in DEMOS V., TEXLER SEGAL M., An International Feminist Challenge to Theory, Vol. 5, Isa-International Association of Sociology, Vol. 5, Elsevier Science, Jai press, Oxford 2001.
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Country Reports
“Comiso-Kosova, andata e ritorno” [Comiso-Kosova, Round Trip the War Refugees Camp], Altreragioni, n. 9, Milano, 1999.
“Il movimento delle donne Usa contro il cancro: reti di supporto, leadership e buone pratiche”[The U.s. Women’s Movement Against Cancer: Support Networks, Leadership and Good Practices], in Hannah Arendt School (ed.), Sanità: quando le donne fanno differenza [Health: When Women Make the Difference] Edizioni Prospecta, Ancona, 1999.
Italiane: donne di colore? [Italian Women: Women of Color], Mediterranean Review: un mare di donne, n. 4, Cosenza, 1997.
“L’internazionale della speranza. Taccuino dal Chiapas” [Notebook from Chiapas], Altreragioni, n. 6, Milano, 1997.